When Life Gets In The Way Of Building Downlines

I recognized the familiar voice when I checked my messages. It was "Frankie", one of my newer downlink members. He had come flying out of the gate his first month and sponsored 2 or 3 members. All cold market long-distance. He'd call me daily to do 3-way calls to close his prospects that he got off of lead lists that he had bought. He was very unteachable, but had potential.

Within 60 days the daily calls had dropped to weekly, then sporadic. He would refuse to send me his weekly tracking sheets so I never had any clue as to his work levels, percentages or results. Within 90 days the only words out of his mouth were complaints about how hard the business was, how expensive the products were, how his ex-wife kept hassling him, and how his boss at his crummy job was bringing him down.

Sound familiar? These are WARNING SIGNS.

Within another month he had been evicted from his rented apartment, lost his job, and quit his MLM business. And then he called me for help...

What am I, a freakin' miracle worker? :)

When I first got started in the business, I would have spent a ton of time trying to "fix" Frankie. Trying to play shrink gave me a bad case of MLM burnout in the late nineties. AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS!

Questions to ponder:

1. Who has your phone number that shouldn't?

2. How accessible are you via email, phone, pager, cell, IM, etc?

3. What accountability do you require before someone gets a chunk of your time?

4. What dollar value do you assign an hour of your life?

5. What 3 things will you change TODAY to get some of your time back?

You only get 168 hours in the week, and probably somewhere shy of 100 years of life...you can let the Frankie's of the world steal them, or you can choose to learn how to maximize the living....

I appreciate you!



MLM Success Blueprint